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Kreatywna Europa_EACEA 35/2017 - Uniwersytet w Kantabrii (Hiszpania) poszukuje partnera do projektu

09.11.2017 11:16

Hiszpański Uniwersytet z Kantabrii poszukuje partnerów do wspólnej realizacji projektu związanego z Europejskim Rokiem Dziedzictwa Kulturowego 2018 - dot. zaproszenia do składania wniosków EACEA 35/2017.

Pełna treść zaproszenia do składania wniosków.

Termin składania wniosków do Komisji Europejskiej upływa 22 listopada br.

Potencjalnie zainteresowani partnerzy proszeni są o jak najszybszy kontakt:

Montserrat Cabré i Pairet
Directora del Área de Igualdad
Conciliación y Responsabilidad Social
+34 942 201551

Oryginalna treść propozycji projektowej (EN):

The University of Cantabria project is focused on the appreciation and study of the significant role of women in the creation of Europe’s Cultural Heritage. It involves the research and public exhibition of a collection of 17th century botanical drawings by two 17th century Dutch and German women, Alida Withoos and Maria Sibylla Merian. These scientific and artistic pieces were bought in Amsterdam in 1785 by the Spanish Embassy and are held today in the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid. The drawings have never been studied nor exhibited in Spain. Their history is significant of the intense circulation of artistic and scientific works througout Europe, which has created a centuries-long shared space, as well as meaningful of the central role played by gender in cultural creativity.

As the main objective of cooperation projects to be supported under the European Year of Cultural heritage 2018 is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage as a shared resource, to raise awareness of common history and values and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space, the research and public exhibition project should be submitted to the call EACEA 35/2017: Support for cooperation projects related to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 which will be closed on November 22.

Link to the call document :

Should you be interested in joining your efforts to this project idea, please contact :
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet
Directora del Área de Igualdad
Conciliación y Responsabilidad Social
+34 942 201551